Background Verification

Streamlines the Hiring Process by Automating Checks on Candidates through BGV

Integrating BGV with HR software aligns the hiring process, improves accuracy, ensures compliance, and offers real-time updates, leading to faster decisions, reduced costs, and a better experience for both employers and candidates.

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Background Verification
DigiLocker BGV-Zimyo Integrations


DigiLocker is a secure, government-backed platform that stores and shares digital documents. In background verification (BGV), it provides instant access to authentic, government-issued documents, reducing fraud, speeding up the process, and eliminating the need for physical copies, making verification faster, more secure, and efficient.

Spring Varify BGV -Zimyo Integrations


This integration provides you with instant, reliable and accurate background checks for a safe and secure workplace.

idfy BGV-Zimyo Integrations


Idfy is a leading background verification company that will help you onboard users by providing host of services such as identity verification, BGV, and much more.

traqcheck BGV-Zimyo Integrations


Run accurate, reliable background checks for your employees in record time. Hire with confidence with TraqCheck.

Authbridge BGV-Zimyo Integrations


Authbridge's iBridge is a next-gen background verification platform that provides you with the most delightful employment background check experience.

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