Integrating BGV with HR software aligns the hiring process, improves accuracy, ensures compliance, and offers real-time updates, leading to faster decisions, reduced costs, and a better experience for both employers and candidates.
DigiLocker is a secure, government-backed platform that stores and shares digital documents. In background verification (BGV), it provides instant access to authentic, government-issued documents, reducing fraud, speeding up the process, and eliminating the need for physical copies, making verification faster, more secure, and efficient.
This integration provides you with instant, reliable and accurate background checks for a safe and secure workplace.
Idfy is a leading background verification company that will help you onboard users by providing host of services such as identity verification, BGV, and much more.
Run accurate, reliable background checks for your employees in record time. Hire with confidence with TraqCheck.
Authbridge's iBridge is a next-gen background verification platform that provides you with the most delightful employment background check experience.