If you’ve made up your mind to leave your company to seek other openings, you wish to be aware of the notice period provision to form your exit as smoothly as possible. In Egypt, the notice period is regulated under the Egypt Labour Law, and it depends on how long you’ve been working with the firm.
This blog will give you all the necessary information regarding the notice period in Egypt, such as how it varies depending on your service length and what happens in case of termination.
What is Notice Period for Employees in Egypt?
The notice period in Egypt varies with the duration of the employee’s service in the organization. According to the Article 11 of the Egyptian Labor Law the following are the requirements:
- Firstly, If the employee has less than 10 years of service with the company, they must serve two months’ notice before they leave the organization.
- Secondly, If the employee has more than 10 years of service, the notice period is three months.
This notice period covers sufficient time to make the preparation for the smooth transition between the employer and the employee.
Importance of Notice Period
The notice period is essential for both the manager and the employee. The manager gets enough time to seek a replacement or make a few adjustments to the workload. The employee gets enough time to wrap up pending work and tasks, giving a professional departure from the organization. In expansion, fulfilling the proper notice period too makes a difference prevent legal complications of contract breaches.
What if You Do not Serve the full Notice Period?
If you fail to serve the complete notice period, it may influence both the employer and the employee. In case the employee leaves without serving the necessary notice, the manager can recover stipend for not served notice period. This gets deducted from the final settlement of the employee.
On the other hand, if the boss does not serve the due notice earlier to the termination, at that point the employee can claim remuneration. The renumeration will be for the period of notice not served. In many circumstances, the manager even agrees to do without the notice period altogether, depending on circumstances.
What is the Notice Period on Termination?
In termination, both the employer and the employee need to stick to the notice period beneath the business contract or as prescribed by law. As noted over, employees with less than 10 years of service are to work two months’ notice, whereas more than 10 years of service require them to give three months’ notice.
If the employer wants to pillage the employee, they must also provide the same notice period unless the understanding specifies varying terms through special clauses. However, if the parties concur on a mutual consent, the notice period can be defer or reduced.
What Happens in case You Break the Notice Period?
If one of the parties breaches the notice period, he commits to pay compensation to the other party. The compensation will be given for the undelivered period of notice. Within the case where an employee quits work without giving notice, the employer can deduct the equivalent sum of salary from the terminal payment. Moreover, within the event where an boss fires an employee without serving notice, the employee should get pays for the ungiven notice duration.
It’s advisable to completely peruse the terms and conditions of your work contract. So, that both parties know what they need to do in terms of notice periods.
Termination Without Notice: When Does It Apply?
There are a few situations where the dismissal an employee can take place immediately without giving notice. In most cases, these relate to serious misconduct or breaches of the business contract. Beneath Egypt Labour Law, managers can terminate an employee without notice within the following circumstances:
- The employee gives false information when hiring.
- The employee’s behavior harmfully damages the employer financially or physically, and the employer is able to substantiate it.
- The employee breaks company rules after the management repeatedly warns them.
- The employee is guilty of genuine misconduct, like attacking a colleague or abusing company assets.
- The representative is discovered to be utilized by another company without notification to the company.
In such circumstances, the manager isn’t expected to give notice since the dismissal is done for valid reasons. The worker could still get compensation if the dismissal is unfair.
What is the Notice Period During Probation?
In Egypt, the probation period is basically for a three-to-six months period. During this time, the employee or employer allows to end the employment contract through two months’ notice. The probation period serves both the employer and employee to test whether the position suits them. It also provides a shorter flexible notice period.
It is worth noting that the probation period cannot exceed six months unless there is an agreement by both parties. Upon expiry of the probation period, normal notice periods as specified in the contract or Egyptian Labour Law take effect.
Conclusion: Complying with the Notice Period in Egypt
In summary, knowing and following the notice period is vital to having a professional and legitimately sound flight from your employment in Egypt. The duration of the notice period contrasts based on your service length:
two months for those with less than 10 years of service and three months for those with over 10 years of service.
By taking after the legal rules and guaranteeing that both parties are clear on the terms of the notice period. You’ll be able avoid potential complications and leave your job on good terms. Whether you’re leaving voluntarily or being terminated, continuously check your employment contract and the relevant labor laws to ensure compliance.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
The notice period in Egypt varies with the duration of the employee’s service in the organization. According to the Egyptian Labour Law, the following are the requirements:
Firstly, If the employee has less than 10 years of service with the company, they must serve two months’ notice before they leave the organization.
Secondly, If the employee has more than 10 years of service, the notice period is three months.
In Egypt, business regulations recognize two types of contracts between employers and employees a contract with no settled duration (indefinite period) and a contract with a specified term (definite period).
Yes, the notice period in Egypt is legal in Egypt but it should not exceed 3 months.
In case the employee leaves without serving the necessary notice, the manager can recover stipend for the period of notice not served, which may be deducted from the final settlement of the employee.