Minimum Wages in Gujarat 2024-25

Check the latest minimum wages in Gujarat

Minimum Wages in Gujarat 2024

Class of Employment Zone Basic Per Day VDA Per Day Total Per Day Total Per Month
Unskilled Zone I 452.00 35.00 487.00 12662.00
Unskilled Zone II 441.00 35.00 476.00 12376.00
Semi-Skilled Zone I 462.00 35.00 497.00 12922.00
Semi-Skilled Zone II 452.00 35.00 487.00 12662.00
Skilled Zone I 474.00 35.00 509.00 13234.00
Skilled Zone II 462.00 35.00 497.00 12922.00

Knowing about your rightful minimum wages in Gujarat is important. Because this will help you understand exactly where you fit in. By fitting in, we mean that, in India, we have various classes of employment. These are: unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and then highly skilled ones. Overall, these are the categories of workers found in the job market. 

To be precise, this categorization is done on the basis of skills that they possess. Those who have less skills come under the section of unskilled or may be semi-skilled. While those who carry a wide-array of skill set, are categorized as being skilled or highly-skilled. (If they are doing such a job that requires a wealth of knowledge and training.)

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