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Absolute Ratings | Meaning and Definition

What is the meaning of absolute rating?

It is a critical performance appraisal tool employed to gauge employee performance. Here, a specific rating is assigned to the individual based on his/ her performance or behavior rather than comparing other employees. The ratings can be done through production data, expert opinions, work sampling research, etc., while the methodology used may be quantitative, qualitative, or even a blend of the two. Certain appraisal techniques that may come under Absolute Ratings are: –

Critical Incident

Forced Choice Appraisal

Graphic Rating Scales

BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales)

Checklist Appraisal)

Essay Appraisals

Nothing in the world’s perfect, and so is the technique of this ratings. Let’s now look at the gains and disadvantages offered by this rating. Read on!

Pros and cons of absolute ratings

It allow room for objectivity and accuracy when considering and estimating individual performance in the company. Furthermore, it enables consistency and clarity among employees. Having objective data in hand on the workers’ performances facilitates better and clear employee comparison to identify the most competent employees.

Now, let’s hash out the disadvantages of absolute ratings. The first one would be that absolute rating is a highly time-consuming endeavor, especially for companies with many employees. On top of this, certain ratings may be influenced by the rater’s bias, which may result in partiality.

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