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Applicant Volume | Meaning and Definition

What is Applicant volume?

In many firms, the recruiting procedure takes place in big numbers. When a constant need for resources exists, the employer must recruit individuals in large numbers for various employment roles in the company. Applicant volume refers to the number of people who apply for a job and go through the recruiting process. It has to be in mass; the main purpose of recruiting is to employ qualified people. It is critical for a firm to boost the number of qualified applicants. Recruiting a high number of eligible candidates in a short period of time and reviewing hundreds of applications is incredibly time-consuming, and it can have a negative influence on recruitment. Many tactics are employed to safeguard the standards of application volume. 

Interview scheduling and rescheduling can take a long time, especially when hiring managers’ schedules shift and candidates’ availability is limited or changeable. Scheduling tools to manage applicant volumes are growing increasingly popular, and they may provide hiring managers, recruiters, and candidates with a connection to interview times. A single choice is made, and it is shared with all people concerned. A manual technique for reviewing individual applications can take up to nearly 30% of a recruiter’s time on average. This is an inefficient method. AI is already accessible, and when utilized right, it may help recruiters spend less time on mundane jobs. While receiving an automatic answer or rejection is not ideal, any contact is preferable to none. The utilization of digital video interview platforms is becoming more and more common.

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