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Employee Offboarding | Meaning and Definition

What is Employee Offboarding? 

The process of removing a worker from a firm by resignation, firing, or retirement is known as employee offboarding. When an employee departs, it covers all of the decisions and procedures that occur.

When an employee departs, he or she either becomes a supporter or a detractor of your firm. Supporters will speak well of you and may refer you to prospective new hires. Adversaries will not suggest your company to others, which may be detrimental in the long term. Attempt to utilize offboarding to convert all departing workers into advocates.

An efficient offboarding procedure reduces the likelihood of misconceptions persisting after the employee has left. 

Maintaining a seamless offboarding procedure is critical for maintaining a positive brand image of a firm in the market.

A successful procedure aids in the reduction of misconceptions and the maintenance of positive employee relationships. 

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