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Internal Communication | Meaning and Definition

What is Internal Communication?

Internal Communication (IC) stands for a collection of tools or processes that enable an effective flow of information along with participation from individuals within a company. It may involve employees, management as well the top management. Internal Communication meaning is simple, as the name suggests. It is the process of information sharing between individuals of different positions as well as representatives within an organization or a company. Nowadays, quite a sum of money is being spent on publicity and public relations by organizations to promote and enhance their relationship and external contact, whereas these organizations only do nothing as much to enhance their internal communication.


Ways to build an effective internal communication plan

  • The first and foremost thing to be done is to analyze and understand the state that the organization is currently in and formulate ways to improve the interaction wherever necessary.
  • An outline consisting of the key points to enhance internal communication should be planned and be known to every individual.
  • A calendar based on internal correspondence should be designed and kept updated.
  • Different contract platforms and strategies such as LinkedIn, a news feed, and Gmail should be identified.
  • The progress should be monitored from time to time to know about the metrics of primary success.
  • The efficiency of the messaging aids within the organization should be accessed for changes in internal communication.
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