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Job Dissatisfaction | Meaning and Definition

What is Job Dissatisfaction?

When an employee is dissatisfied with their employment, it is referred to as job dissatisfaction. Job dissatisfaction can be due to a variety of professional and personal factors, including a lack of advancement, inadequate management, and a lack of work-life balance, among others.

Work consumes a large portion of one’s life, and individuals have expectations about what their work should be like. When these expectations are not realized, disappointment, resentment, and a loss of interest result leading to work discontent. When employees are dissatisfied, they may be forced to look for work elsewhere.

Some may opt to stay in their current situation and be dissatisfied. This might be due to a fear of change, a lack of updated skills, or a refusal to give up particular advantages, things such as their current pay, healthcare, retirement plan, and much more.

Job dissatisfaction has significant consequences for a firm. Not only can job unhappiness lower productivity and morale, but it may also hurt your financial line. Employees who are not engaged in their job are less likely to be productive and provide high-quality services.

Overcoming Job Dissatisfaction

  • Recognition To Employees – During business meetings, recognize achievements and thank staff for their hard work. Consider implementing a reward system in which employees are compensated in some way; these can include things such as money, more paid time off, team outings, etc.


  • Mentoring Employees – Employees can benefit from mentoring by receiving in-depth training in their professions, receiving frank yet compassionate comments, and receiving advice on how to advance up the corporate ladder.
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