What is Payroll Tax Rate?
It refers to a variety of taxes that are paid by the employer and, in certain situations, deducted from an employee’s paycheck. These taxes are subsequently sent to the proper tax body by the employer.
Payroll taxes come in a variety of forms, including:
- Withholding of federal income taxes
- Withholding of Social Security taxes
- Withholding of Medicare taxes
- Withholding of Additional Medicare taxes
- Withholding of state income taxes
- Withholdings from various local taxes (city, county, school district)
The tax rate and income taxes are often confused; however, this is not the case. The payroll tax rate in the state or federal government’s indirect tax on specific programs like Medicare and Social Security. Employers pay this on behalf of their employees. A part of your income, compensation, or commission is collected by the government.
Whereas income tax is direct tax on individual and corporate incomes. It is also paid by the person who is responsible.