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Perquisites | Meaning and Definition

What are Perquisites?

Perquisites are commonly known as perks.

  • They are benefits provided to employees in addition to their regular salary.
  • These benefits can be financial or non-financial.
  • Companies come up with perquisites to enhance the overall compensation package of their employees.
  • They tend to improve job satisfaction. 
  • Furthermore, they help in retaining talent within an organisation.


“A perquisite is a benefit or privilege given in addition to regular compensation. These benefits can include monetary advantages, such as bonuses and profit-sharing, or non-monetary advantages, such as company cars, club memberships, and health insurance.”

In the context of a corporate organisation, perquisites are supplementary rewards provided to employees to recognise their contribution, incentivize performance, and promote loyalty. These benefits are often considered part of the overall remuneration package.

Types of perquisites

  1. Monetary Perquisites:


    • Bonuses: Extra payments based on performance and profitability, or for special occasions. For example, Diwali Bonus, Sales Bonus, etc.
    • Stock Options: Opportunities to buy company stock at a discounted rate.
    • Profit-Sharing: Preset distribution of a portion of company profits among employees.


 2. Non-Monetary Perquisites:


  • Company Cars: Vehicles provided for personal or professional use.
  • Health Insurance: Medical coverage for employees and their families.
  • Club Memberships: Access to exclusive clubs or fitness centres.
  • Housing: Company-provided accommodation or house rent allowances.
  • Education Benefits: School/College reimbursement for employees’ children.
  • Travel Perks: Paid vacations, travel allowances, or use of company jets.

Other Perquisites

  • Professional Development: Funding for courses, certifications, and conferences for employees’ careers.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Options for remote work or flexible hours.
  • Employee Discounts: Discounts on company’s products or services.

Perquisites Specifically in Corporate Offices

In corporate offices, perquisites are customised based on the level of the employee and their role within the organisation. For example, Senior executives might receive extensive benefits. Such as stock options and company cars. While other junior level employees might receive health insurance and educational benefits. These perks are designed to attract and retain talent, motivate employees, and create a positive work environment.

With a wide range of perquisites, the companies aim to differentiate themselves in the job market. In turn, they receive a loyal and motivated workforce, with higher job satisfaction.

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