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Review Process | Meaning and Definition

What is the Review Process?

The Review Process, simply means the procedure during which the team leader evaluates the accomplishments, progress, and achievements of the employees. The procedure goes as setting expectations prior to the completion of the work. It also includes comparing the achievements later on based on which the feedback is provided to the employees. Within an organization or company, the performances of the employees are reviewed as the review process is carried out during the occasion of the annual appraisal. The process is another method to calculate the contribution of each and every employee towards the goal and overall company’s objective. Hence, the review process plays a crucial role in estimating the steps taken toward the company’s ultimate goals.

For an efficient appraisal of an employee’s performance, a manager has to have an approximation and awareness of a specific expectation from him/her for the job. The manager shall also monitor the results and behavior of each employee and must have speculation for the comparison of the behavior and results observed by him/her to the expectations and measures needed to do the job.

Key highlights of the employee review process

Following are the key highlights of the employee review process:

  • Setting the Goals- To start the review process it is necessary to set goals to measure the performance of employees. These goals will help to check whether the employee will achieve what is expected to achieve.
  • Performance Metrics and Criteria- A particular standard or pre-defined metrics is set to measure the performance of an employee. These metrics includes targets to achieve and they can be qualitative or quantitative.
  • Self-evaluation and Feedback- It is the process of evaluating what is achieved and what has to be achieved in the long run. It also provides a ground for improvement if required.
  • Performance Review Meeting-  Once the process of self evaluation is done and supervisor’s feedback is collected. Then, a performance review meeting is scheduled.
  • Follow-up Meeting- A follow up meeting is  conducted at last after all the later processes are completed.
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