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Suspension | Meaning and Definition

What is the definition of suspension?

It occurs when the worker is sent home after work while still being paid. Employers have the right to suspend a worker pending the results of unprofessional conduct or other significant disciplinary issue investigation. Suspension rights are frequently included in an employee’s employment agreement or in the employee handbook (if any). It is not a punitive action in and of itself, although it frequently leads to disciplinary action.

What happens to the salary of the suspended employee?

It is definitely not the same as being fired or having anyone’s job terminated to a permanent account. It’s merely a temporary suspension due to disciplinary issues. Unlike permanent termination, when an employee is suspended, they continue to receive a salary. Suspension allows the case to be investigated further without the employee being present at work.

General Misconduct was the reason for suspension. Non-compliance with company policies and procedures. Causing harm to the company’s property, etc., are also a few reasons.

What are the procedures for suspending someone?

Although each organization develops its own policies that are tailored to its own needs. The following are some basic guidelines:

The worker is entitled to a “suspension allowance” and “subsistence allowance” throughout the term of his suspension.

Even if an employee is not suspended while an investigation is underway, the concerned authority may suspend an employee after the investigation is completed if it is determined that the employee has committed wrongdoing.

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