AI Will Kill Or Create Jobs In Future

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most talked about technologies these days. Experts are giving their views on blogs, or other mediums and businesses are busy in researching the value it can add to their business. One more segment is there which is worried about losing its job. A country already suffering from the problem unemployment is afraid of the impact of automation on employment in India and unable to reach a conclusion whether AI will create or kill Jobs in future? Let’s have a fruitful discussion on the topic and make your confusion clear by understanding the positive side of the Artificial Intelligence and job loss.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence is the process of programming computers to work smartly and make decisions like humans. It comes under the category of computer science. The primary purpose of AI is to substitute humans so that complex decisions related to the business could be taken.

How is AI impacting jobs?

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on jobs varies by category and industry in which AI is going to be used. The future report’s prediction shows that there will be a revolutionary change in the jobs by 2025. An IT professional should only focus on the types of jobs that will be created with the advent of AI instead of caring about the loss of jobs. It is true that some people might lose their jobs because machines will deal with the data and boring jobs instead of humans. But, the truth is not complete reality.

A lot more interesting jobs will be created when AI will be abundantly used in almost all the industries. The artificial intelligence is doing great in technology that never has been done before. Many experts are debating about AI, whether it’s friendly or frightening for the jobs. The scope of AI leads to the achievement of technical milestones such as voice recognition for understanding human speech, the gaming system that works strategically, complex data interpretation and many other tasks related to emerging technologies.

When the world is getting dependent on robotics, people have threats of losing their jobs as the robots are replacing human resources. But this is not the complete truth. In fact, as the AI has brought the revolution into the world of computer science, it offers different kinds jobs more than expected. So, we cannot say that AI is a terror for us. It is indeed creating more jobs for the people to work in this field. The technology experts believe that AI and automation are becoming the leaders of employment in the coming future.

This new technology of digitization and automation will be the future of IT as it will create new opportunities for aspirants to make new choices in their career. More workforce will be required in the domains like Big Data, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Cyber Security and others. AI will bring a lot of opportunities within the industry of automation. It is a long-standing revolution in the career of IT professionals.

One of the most significant benefits of AI is the fastest turnaround time for the creation of massive amount of products. This further is likely to generate profits, and therefore the industries will be economically sound. If the economy is sound, employers can pay high salaries to their employees.

What kind of jobs is AI replacing?

AI has made the whole world in a dilemma whether it will kill or create jobs. Well, some of the low-skilled jobs are considered to be eliminated whereas some jobs cannot be replaced by AI. Here are some of the jobs that AI is likely to be replacing:

Computer Support Specialists: The companies will replace support specialists with bots and automated machines to have an accurate and quick response to the support of their customers.

Couriers: The courier companies have also started replacing courier people and delivery people with the robots and drones.

Receptionists: Automated phone calls and scheduled systems are going to replace the receptionists soon. The advanced companies have already started the installation of automation and AI within their offices.

Proof-readers: the job of proofreaders can also be replaced as the proofreading software are available in the market for the users to proofread themselves without any delay or hiring a professional proof-reader.

Retail Salespersons: People are more attached to the technology these days and do not find it difficult to use the automatic software in the malls and stores. The features of self-checkout and freedom of self-decision making facilities require no retail salespersons in the coming age.

Bookkeeping clerks: Bookkeeping is likely to get replaced by 98 percent of the automated robotics. Some of the software such as Quick books and Microsoft office already offer bookkeeping software that that does its job more efficiently.

Telemarketers: Telemarketers are likely to be replaced by automated robo-calls as they do not require any emotional or intelligent perspective to serve this kind of job. The conversion of leads via telemarketing are quite low than face to face marketing. AI will replace jobs but for the positive effect on the technology and businesses. People don’t have to stick to one task for ages. It will also help to analyse things in a better way that sometimes humans can’t do.

What kind of jobs will AI create?

The jobs that AI is going to create will bring excitement to those who think that AI and automation will eliminate the employees with their software. The jobs that AI will create are:

  • AI is going to create high-skilled jobs at management level and also at the entry level. And thus, AI will create many new highly- skilled positions, especially for the IT professionals.
  • AI will add knowledge to the humans and when both work in combination; the great results will be expected.
  • AI is taken into existence to assist the human not to replace them. It helps them to get work done accurately and at a much faster pace.
  • There will be more job opportunities for software developers for the optimum operations of the AI software.
  • Only humans can create strategies and for this manpower will be needed to plan and run those strategies with the help of AI and automation. Thus, job opportunities for chief executives will the increased.
  • Everything runs smoothly if it is planned. A company must need a planner to plan the tasks and responsibilities of all the employees and machines.
  • Human resource management is always needed to run a company. It manages all the works including employee’s records, operations in process, training, and working of the machinery and many more tasks in a company.

As a result, AI is killing jobs but not all the jobs. It is killing only non-skilled jobs. It is in the process of creating millions of jobs in all the sectors of the business, especially the impact of automation is good on IT jobs. AI is helping humans to make the things work quickly in lesser time than ever. Adaptation of AI will further help them to focus on more important tasks and operations. They can get more skilled and will work more efficiently. They will be able to manage their valuable time in doing valuable tasks and can be able to do more research for the profit of their businesses. Artificial Intelligence is something that will become a necessity in the coming future.

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