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Employee Document Management and its Features

Introduction to Employee Document Management

To keep a statistical record of all the present and past employees with their stacked-up documents gained from their hiring to retirement.

The management ensures the documents and the personal information they hold regarding the employee or even retired employee must be kept safe and away from the clutches of misuse. They should only be accessible to those who need them.

Managing so many records physically stacked up on a shelf with spiderwebs building on them does not sound flattering, right?

Not only that, but imagine going through that mud-ridden stack with thousands of papers on one shelf in order to find one document needed urgently. It might not sound flattering, but definitely horrifying.

There are many challenges faced by companies in employee documentation, some of them being:

Features of Employee Document Management System

employee document management features

A proper system is needed for an organization to succeed and have mess-free employee document management. But, a document management system should consist of specific features that serve the needs and requirements of the organization.

Some of the main features are:

1. Multiple device friendly

A sound document management system must not limit its use and accessibility to a single device. Need for certain documents can arise whenever and for obtaining them, the tool should be multiple device friendly so that managers and employees can access the documents through their smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.

2. Search feature

An innovative employee document management system not only stores the documents but also saves time by providing a search feature for the user to get transported to the actual document they were looking for instead of going through thousands of them to find one.

3. Not complicated

Ensure a document management system that is not much complex to understand and can be used easily by the employees without any confusion.

By obtaining a system complying with high-tech and complicated features, you increase your company’s cost of providing necessary employee training.

4. Maximum security

Security is the most basic and critical feature a company will look for while finding its ideal employee document management system.

A supreme tool would provide high security to ensure the safety of the critical information the documents might be carrying.

5. Document scanning

Scanning every document individually eats up an ample amount of time for the users. An ideal document management system must comprise a feature to scan multiple documents simultaneously, helping save time and maintain productivity.

All employee data at one place!

Zimyo's robust HR Software manages the entire employee data and documents without hassle.

Benefits of Employee Document Management

employee document management benefits

It’s vital for an organization to have documents accessible whenever and wherever required. If not managed properly, this might lead to so much confusion and misunderstanding in the organization relating to several employees and might also risk the employees’ personal data at the hands of fraud.

Using an employee document management system has many benefits, some listed below:

1. Does not take up space

Documents might take up a lot of storage space and increase the need for office space that might lay unused, but you still have to pay for it.

To avoid this situation, it’s much more convenient to shift to digital document management. This will not only help save money but also time and effort, as all the documents can be easily accessed with just a click.

2. Maintain privacy & security

Employers are obliged legally to make sure the data and documents provided by the employee to the company remain safe and secure and do not leak out to anyone.

The documents might consider many personal details of the employee, from the medical record to family information.

An automated digital employee management system possesses numerous features to eliminate security issues.

With robust security features, the documents and records of the employees are kept safe and sound, building employees’ trust in the company as well.

3. Boosts productivity

HR managers constantly require the records of the candidates and employees to carry with their work. Having a digitalized employee document management system ensures centralized availability of all the records, making them fully accessible to the HR managers, boosting their productivity, and saving time they might have wasted while looking for a piece of paper piled up on a shelf, unstructured.

4. Eliminates risk of loss in unforeseen circumstances

Imagine having a case of fire or flood and you have a room stacked with important documents. Let’s be honest; the chances of those documents not getting ruined are minimal. To minimize the risk of loss in such circumstances, having a digitalized documentation system is all you need.

You can even create a backup of the important documents, never getting the chance to lose them forever.

Go paperless by storing information in cloud!

Zimyo HR Software stores all employee data securely in the cloud.

Challenges of Employee Document Management

In an organization, the need to formulate new documents, update the existing ones, and collect documents from the employees occurs regularly.

It gets hectic and chaotic sometimes for the HR manager to handle them perfectly.

A company faces many challenges in the process of document management, some of them being:

1. Paper challenge in document management

A large number of documents are to be managed by the HR department with complete security and privacy. The documents might contain confidential information regarding payroll or several other employee records that are not meant to be disclosed.

Document management is prone to many more errors and other risks when done on paper.

2. Time consuming

Maintaining a paper report for every employee’s documents wastes ample time, but still, it’s pretty standard among many companies. The paper is to be transferred from one person to another in order to get it to the right person, taking up a lot of time and energy that could’ve been utilized in some other task.

3. Security

A lot of documents contain information that is to be kept confidential and secure. If documentation is done on paper or in physical mode, it has no double-factor authentication or virtual cover to save the information from getting leaked.

4. Editing challenge

If stored on paper, the information is not editable. You have to reprint the entire document in order to make even a tiny change. This is not only a waste of resources but also harmful to the environment.

5. Confusion between old and updated document

With paper, continuous edits, and uncountable reprints, it becomes challenging to identify which copy is recently updated and which is old, causing confusion among the managers and employees.

6. Accessibility issue

If any document is needed on an urgent basis, it can be easily found digitally, but you would’ve to go through uncountable papers, eating up a lot of time to finally find the document you were looking for.

To avoid these challenges, in the growing modern world, companies are inclined towards a digitized form of storing and managing their employee’s documents, from beginning to end, everything stacked up under their name, an easily accessible, chaos-free, time-saving method.

Wrapping Up

By now, through this blog, it must be crystal clear to you why digitized document management must be opted in replacement to the physical mode of document management.

An innovative document management system must be used for an effective way of managing an organization’s documents along with robust security, time-saving features and techniques, cost reduction, eliminating storage space, and, most importantly, reducing the burden of managing so many documents from the shoulders of managers.

HR software provider, Zimyo is one of the best software taking over the market rapidly; that comes with numerous features that feel like heaven for managers and HRs, making it a piece of cake to manage employees related activities. The HRMS software of Zimyo provides an employee document management system, eliminating all the challenges mentioned above at the best price.

From personal documents to offer letters, every document is stored under each employee’s name, making them easily accessible whenever required with just a click, saving the time and effort of the managers.

Zimyo is known for its #1 employee experience and is an excellent choice if your company is looking for HRMS software to fulfill all your HR needs.

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