Impact Of Employee Benefits On Hiring & Employee Engagement


Employee benefits are perks that are offered to employees apart from their regular wages/salaries. They can be paid vacations, medical insurance, gratuity, retirement benefits to name a few. Providing employee benefits shows that you care for your employees’ health and their future.  An effective employee benefits plan attracts and retains talent. These employee benefits expenses […]

How To Improve Employee Engagement During Return-To-Office Process?


It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? The global COVID-19 outbreak has created new possibilities for work, with remote and flexible work being two of the most significant ways. We learned a lot throughout our shift to teleworking. As we socially detached ourselves for the sake of our coworkers’ health, it’s time to apply these […]

4 Tips To Make The Hybrid Workplace A Huge Success!


Winners never quit, and quitters never win- humanity has always upheld a winner’s mindset! With courage and determination, we work hard to rise above extreme challenges. As per the ongoing outspread of COVID-19, once again we are ready to put in Herculean efforts and win the battle against the pandemic.  Adjusting To A New Normal! […]

9 Ways To Make Conference Calls Less Painful & Irritating!


The unwanted homecoming of COVID-19 forced WFH teams to take up many things that they didn’t like including conference calls. Unfortunately, conference calls bag #1 position as the most irritating thing to handle during working hours. The list doesn’t end here: Issues like Wi-Fi connectivity, dressing up especially for the office meeting to someone forgetting […]

What Makes a Good Manager? 5 Skills To Be Successful!


A manager is like a guide in the workplace, keeping a group of hikers together on a lengthy, twisty trail. They must keep the group together & alter the pace so that everyone reaches the endpoint safely. They should also decide when to take breaks and when to push on, and provide assistance along the […]

7 Unique Ways To Deal With Workplace Negativity


Workplace negativity is the hideous villain residing in every nook and corner of organisations across the world!  This invisible enemy is the ultimate virus responsible for the loss of health and enthusiasm in employees to keep up the good work. In fact, negativity breeding in the workplace can be so heinous that it can shatter […]

8 Easy Ways To Boost Motivation & Morale Of Remote Employees

Employees working remotely are going through hard times!☹️ This is why it has become more important than ever for businesses to keep track of how employees feel and in which ways they can be motivated. Are you finding it difficult to keep remote employees motivated amid the fall of the pandemic?? With the outbreak of […]

15 Proven Ways To Increase Employee Loyalty In Your Workplace


Employees who score 10/10 for being the best employee in an organization happen in reality! Apart from being exceptionally flawless in what they do- they have a key quality that sets the bar high.? Do you know what that main quality is?? ? EMPLOYEE LOYALTY!!? Loyal employees are so workplace type!! They are dedicated people […]

How Can Leaders Address Pandemic Fatigue Among Employees 

pandemic fatigue

It’s been a whole year since the pandemic started and there seems to be no end in sight.  Pandemic fatigue is plaguing organisations and employees, even more so in 2021 as lockdowns continue to get imposed and new strains of the virus emerge. Even with vaccines bringing in some hope for “light at the end […]

5 Tips for Motivating Young Employees During the Pandemic 

motivating young employees

The after-effects of the pandemic is significantly affecting motivation levels of employees across the globe, especially the young people.  According to research, 44% of employees under 35 years of age say that a lack of motivation has been hindering their performance at work since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020.  How Can […]