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Top 7 Tips to Elevate Employee Experience in Saudi Arabia

elevate employee experience

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are navigating a dynamic environment marked by rapid expansion, cultural variety, and technological innovation. Amid these changes, organizations are realizing more and more how important employee experience is to succeed. So, we will se what are the tips to elevate employee experience in Saudi Arabia. It is now a […]

Employee Onboarding Checklist (Updated for 2024)

Employee Onboarding Checklist

Employee onboarding is an integral part of the corporate experience that is very important for both the employee and employer to get right. As the old adage goes, “Morning shows the day”, a good employee onboarding checklist ensures that the employee easily acclimatizes to their work environment and their team. It also makes it clear […]

A Journey of New Beginnings – Employee Experience Story

zimyo employee experience

Journey of New Beginnings Stepping into a new office is always an exhilarating experience. As I began my first day at my new workplace, I knew it marked the start of a new journey. Here, I share the highlights and emotions defining my memorable office day. Upon entering the office, I was greeted by a […]

How to win the Hearts & Minds of your workforce in 2024?


  Saying thank you to your team weaves morale and your bottom line. If an employee loves his/her job, he/she is never going to quit! Let’s explore all secrets that make the concoction of a “devoted employee” and “love for the job” making the best-seller recipe of a “Perfect Employee”. Falling in love with your […]

What Employee Engagement Means in 2023

employee engagement

Change cannot be put on people. The best way to instill change is to do it with them. Create it with them. ~ Lisa Bodell, CEO, FutureThink Part of management that drives action in a business environment is the commitment to continuous change. And what better example to comprehend this statement than the very last […]

Top Trends for Remote Work in 2024

remote work

It’s been a while since the world got into lockdown and changed the way we work in a monumental manner. Remote working which was viewed as a “perk” turned into a norm with lockdown restrictions in countries across the globe.  Now well out of the pandemic, the benefits and pitfalls of remote work are clearer. […]

Top 10 Performance Management Tools in an Organization

performance management tools

With the ever-evolving future of work, performance management has witnessed and adapted to a number of transformations in order to keep up with the workforce and technology. Traditional approaches such as only annual performance reviews and then goal setting are no longer the only fruitful way. To measure and manage employee performance in today’s fluid […]

10 Types of Feedback in Performance Management

types of feedback

What is feedback? Feedback is a kind of response that takes place after the conduct of any business operation undertaken by an individual or group. Every feedback, criticism, and comment is deemed vital for successive progress in a learning and development circumstance.   Employees can experience an environment of engagement and productivity through quality feedback. Good […]

Top 8 On The Job training Methods

on the job training

Placing your bets on internal training and development will always win over paid campaigns and advertisements. In today’s competitive market, a significant proportion of revenue is generated from well-trained and motivated employees. The growth and development of an entity rely on the employees’ abilities to acquire skills and positive behaviors and retention of knowledge along […]

How are Modern Employee Benefits Improving Employee Engagement in HR? 

Role of employee benefits in employee engagement in HR

When we talk about employee engagement in HR, there are multiple factors that come into play. A simple google search on “employee engagement ideas” can give hundreds of ideas. Implementing those strategies might be helpful, but what matters more is the culture and values that motivate employees to stick around with the company.  Job satisfaction […]