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Working From Home Tips To Help Employees

working from home tips

Economies across the globe are a month past the rather unfortunate anniversary of Covid-19’s worldwide lockdown in March 2020. According to Gartner, only 12 percent of businesses were believed to be prepared at the time to make the remote-work switch.  Undeniably, the Covid situation did improve over the course of last year, as many organisations […]

How To Create a Sense of Belonging in the Workplace

sense of belonging

Human being long to feel accepted, heard, included, and be a part of something other than themselves. It is our primary need as critical as food or shelter. For most employees, a sense of belonging in the team is a better motivator than their salary for deciding whether they want to continue or leave their […]

How Can Leaders Address Pandemic Fatigue Among Employees 

pandemic fatigue

It’s been a whole year since the pandemic started and there seems to be no end in sight.  Pandemic fatigue is plaguing organisations and employees, even more so in 2021 as lockdowns continue to get imposed and new strains of the virus emerge. Even with vaccines bringing in some hope for “light at the end […]

How to Add Meaning to So Called- “9 to 5” Work Life


We all as humans and professionals have not come this far to come this far! Isn’t it? We have fashioned our personal and professional selves to get the best; and what we think we deserve. Now if you have got an idea of what we are going to talk about is then yes you are […]

How HR Tech Can Build a Better Customer cum Employee Experience


One thing that has always gone unnoticed is the availability and accessibility of power. PS: Power is equally in the hands of employer, employees, and customers. The more you share; the more you’ll have for yourself and for others. Recent years have witnessed a change in the need to be incorporated for better employee experience […]

5 Tips for Motivating Young Employees During the Pandemic 

motivating young employees

The after-effects of the pandemic is significantly affecting motivation levels of employees across the globe, especially the young people.  According to research, 44% of employees under 35 years of age say that a lack of motivation has been hindering their performance at work since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020.  How Can […]

Good Employee Experience Story [March 29 – April 04]


The world needs more good news! That’s why we’ve decided to gather some good Human Resources (HR) and Employee Experience (EX) stories every week to inspire you and make you feel hopeful about the future. HPCL joins hands to boost world’s largest COVID vaccination drive Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd on Friday said it is aiding […]

Good Employee Experience Story [March 15 – March 21]

Good-Employee-Experience-Story-[March15- March 21]

The world needs more good news! That’s why we’ve decided to gather some good Human Resources (HR) and Employee Experience (EX) stories every week to inspire you and make you feel hopeful about the future. Mondelez to foot bill for in-house nanny In a bid to facilitate work-life integration for dad and mom, Mondelez India […]

6 Ways to Support Flexible Working for Your Employees

flexible working

Workplace flexibility is a method of reacting to changing expectations and circumstances. Giving your employees the option for flexible working is a remarkable way in keeping them happy, but it is more than an incentive. Flexible working has the potential to increase employee engagement and productivity, reduce absenteeism, and boosts profits. Offering flexibility should be […]

Good Employee Experience Story [March 08 – March 14]


The world needs more good news! That’s why we’ve decided to gather some good Human Resources (HR) and Employee Experience (EX) stories every week to inspire you and make you feel hopeful about the future. Insurtech startup Riskcovry gets $5 million in Series A funding Insurtech startup Riskcovry has received $5 million in Series A […]