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Employee Onboarding Checklist (Updated for 2024)

Employee Onboarding Checklist

Employee onboarding is an integral part of the corporate experience that is very important for both the employee and employer to get right. As the old adage goes, “Morning shows the day”, a good employee onboarding checklist ensures that the employee easily acclimatizes to their work environment and their team. It also makes it clear […]

A Modern Way of Employee Onboarding

What is onboarding? Onboarding is a hectic process that consumes a lot of time and efforts of the HR. From scheduling interviews to sending out offer letters, everything is to be taken care of timely and cautiously. Keeping in mind the length of the process, if carried out manually, it might waste a ton of […]

9 Biggest Payroll Challenges In 2023

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Whether small or large, every business handles payroll in its own way, which governs how it handles all payments owed to employees and contract employees (freelancers). An organization must ensure that every pay, tax bill, invoice, and data input aligns with the compliance laws. Many complex procedures are involved since the tax laws, and compliance rules keep […]

Employee Orientation Program- Make A Lasting Impression

Orientation Program

It’s obvious for an employee to feel excited and nervous on the very first day of their new job. New people, new culture, new teammates, new seniors, new policies, and new responsibilities make your new hires feel foreign in your organization. This is why it is your responsibility to offer a smooth onboarding experience to […]

How Does New Onboarding Technology Cut Down Manual Tasks?


Recruitment and employee onboarding are the two most common challenges that top the list of any HR Manager. ✅ The hours spent in the lengthy interview process is something that hampers the productivity of an organization as a whole. Also, that is not the end – After a tedious recruitment process comes employee onboarding.  Employee […]

How HR Software Can Help In Recruitment & Onboarding


The impact of technology on Human Resource Management has been enormous, to say the least, mostly helping improve systems and experiences. HR remains to be one of the few aspects of businesses that have struggled to embrace technology out of fear that it would remove the human element. But with time, human resource professionals are […]

Rise Of AI In Recruitment: How Will It Impact HR?


Today, the workplace is undergoing a significant transformation as a result of digitalization and the emerging technology that artificial intelligence (AI) brings. However, when we discuss about the emergence of AI and its impact on HR, these are some important questions that are likely to arise: ? “What is the current status of AI in […]

Tips To Implement A Good Employee Onboarding System


Getting new employees on board is both exciting and challenging! ? HR, the person behind successful onboarding, knows that making it all happen isn’t something we can do with a click of a button. It is a HIT by keeping tabs on TECHNOLOGY and communicating in the newly adopted TECH-SAVVY WORLD. New employee onboarding is a process […]

How An Effective Onboarding System Benefits Your Business?


The importance of having a good onboarding system in place to welcome new employees cannot be overlooked. It is an employee’s first impression of the culture and work ethics of your firm. Offering a wonderful onboarding experience says a lot about your company. Your new hires will be eager to get started, and successful onboarding […]

5 Ways How An ATS Can Streamline Your Hiring Process


Managing the hiring process can be difficult. Getting hold of top talents is becoming increasingly difficult nowadays as there is an intense demand for qualified candidates. Nearly 72.8 percent of employers are having trouble finding qualified workers, while 45 percent are concerned about hiring staff with the required skills. Companies often respond quickly when they […]