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Health and Safety Policy

Use health and safety policy template to design health and safety policy for employees

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What is a Health and Safety Policy?

The Health and Safety Policy ensures safety and security of employees within the organization as well as outside the organization. The policy should outline the organization’s efforts to manage the health and safety of all the employees in the organization. 

An effective policy should be regularly updated to ensure the organization’s changing needs. 

The policy should be properly communicated among employees so that everyone can get access to it. Health plays a vital role in the performance as well as personal development of an employee.

Legal Obligations

Section 2(3) of Health and Safety at Work Act stated that organization having five or more employees should made a written health and safety policy and review it regularly.

It doesn’t imply that an organization having less than five employees should not follow health and safety policy. It  means they don’t need to write the policy on paper.

The written policy should include following three components

  • A health and safety policy statement including aims and policies of organizations.
  • Details about majors taken to ensure good health and safety.
  • It should include safety and procedures followed

Key elements of Health and Safety policy

A health and policy should include the following elements

1. Policy Statement of Intent

A health and policy statement should include objectives and aims of organization regarding health and safety. The statement should be written in an easy to understand language so that everyone could understand. The statement should be signed by senior authority in the organization. 


They will need to ensure the following:

  • Adequate resources are available in the organization to ensure safety of employees
  • Production of rules and regulations regarding health policy.
  • Regularly update the policy and make changes if necessary.

2. Organization of Health and Safety

This section defines the people who are in charge of implementing health and safety policy. Therefore it highlights the management structure of people who are in charge.

This section will include the following groups together with responsibilities:


  • Directors and senior management (Set policies, objectives and targets)
  • Supervisors (Responsible for checking day to day compliance)
  • Health and safety advisors (Gives advice during mishap)
  • Employees (Responsible for taking care of health and safety of themselves and others)
  • First aiders (Responsible for providing first and necessary help to victims)

3. Arrangement for health and safety

It includes all the necessary arrangements to ensure the health and safety of every employee.

The following list covers necessary arrangements to ensure safety of employees are:


  • First aid room- A first aid room is necessary in an organization to provide first aid in case of an emergency/ mishap.
  • Fire extinguishers- Proper fire extinguishers and fire hydrants should be present in organization to avoid mishap from fire.
  •  Proper mechanism for safety of machinery and equipment.
  • Proper maintenance of electrical equipment in the organization.
  • Hygienic food and catering practices should be followed in the organization.
  • Proper system for waste disposal in the organization should be followed.

4. Review of Health and Safety Policy

The health and safety policy should be reviewed and revised regularly to ensure regular updates in the policy. Certain benchmarks or key points should be followed in organization to revise policies regularly.

There are several reasons to ensure review of this policy:


  • Significant organizational change may happen with time.
  • Changes in regulation/ guidance.
  • New working practices had been introduced.
  • Ineffectiveness of old policy.
  • Certain advisories from the government or insurance company.
  • Certain time period has passed since the previous review.

Health and Safety policy template

                                                         XYZ Corporation Ltd (Name of the company)

                                                                         Health and Safety policy


XYZ Corporation Ltd is a company committed to the safety and well-being of everyone who is involved in our business. Whenever you work directly with XYZ Corporation Ltd or sub-contract to us, your safety is our utmost priority. Our safety representative is Mr A (name of the representative officer) and his phone number is +91245666594 (phone number of safety representative officer)


Health and safety in our organization starts from top down and we encourage open communication between all the members of the organization. Safety in the workplace starts from top down and management is fully committed to continuously improve systems and processes. If a member of a company feels unsafe at any point of time they can connect with management.


We as a company commit to maintain a clean and safe workplace, always looking after new hazards in the workplace. All members at the workplace are requested to report a new hazard if any.


XYZ Corporation Ltd’s health and safety procedures are audited twice a year at minimum but should be continuously updated if any changes are required.


Company Safety Representative Name:  Mr A


Company Safety Representative Phone: +91245666594 


Today’s Date: 18/06/2023

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