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Computer Technician | JD Template

A trained Computer Technician is needed to install, maintain, and repair computers and networks. You will be responsible for ensuring that enough IT infrastructure is in place and that it is utilized to its full potential.

You must be well-versed in computer systems and network functions to work as a computer technician. To address errors and ensure functionality, the ideal applicant will be able to work attentively and accurately, as well as have strong problem-solving skills.

The purpose is to set up and maintain high-quality computer networks and systems.

Company Address 


Educational Qualification 

  • Experience as a computer technician or in a similar position is required.
  • A bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related subject is required.
  • Certifications in relevant fields (e.g., CompTIA A+) will be advantageous.

Skills required for the job

  • Knowledge of LAN/WAN networks
  • Comprehensive understanding of computer systems and IT components
  • Internet security and data privacy concepts are well-understood.
  • Excellent problem-solving abilities
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent time management and organization skills

Job Responsibilities

  • Install and configure software and drivers, as well as set up devices.
  • Maintaining and repairing technological equipment (such as routers) and peripheral devices
  • Install and administer well-functioning LAN/WAN and other networks (servers, IPs etc.)
  • Maintain privacy and protection from attacks by managing security choices and software in computers and networks.
  • Upgrade your systems on a regular basis to keep them current.
  • Provide remedies to system failures or defects in order to restore functionality.
  • Schedule maintenance sessions to identify and correct inefficiencies.
  • Keep track of all repairs and fixes for future use.
  • Provide prompt technical assistance and instruct users on how to properly use computers.

Company Offerings

Salary- (…..) 

Other Benefits- (….)