The database will be kept up and running by a professional Database Administrator (DBA) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The purpose is to offer a continuous flow of information throughout the organization, taking into account both the backend data structure and end-user accessibility.
Company AddressÂ
Educational QualificationÂ
- Working experience as a Database Administrator is required.
- A bachelor’s degree in computer science or related certification is required.
Skills required for the job
- Working knowledge of database standards and end-user applications
- Data backup, recovery, security, integrity, and SQL are all areas where you excel.
- Database design, documentation, and coding are all skills that you should have.
- Experience with DBA case tools (frontend/backend) and third-party tools is required.
- API knowledge of programming languages
- Ability to think algorithmically and solve problems
Job Responsibilities
- Build high-availability, high-quality database systems based on each end user’s specialized function.
- Design and implement databases based on the information demands and perspectives of end users.
- Define users and make data available to the right person at the right time in the correct format.
- Use transaction recovery solutions that are fast and back up your data.
- Reduce database downtime and optimise settings for quick query answers.
- Users should receive proactive and reactive data management support and training.
- Identify, implement, and document database policies, processes, and standards.
- Conduct regular testing and reviews to maintain data security, privacy, and integrity.
- When necessary, monitor database performance, make modifications, and apply new patches and versions.
Company Offerings
Salary- (…..)Â
Other Benefits- (….)Â