We’re seeking a Product Owner to help our scrum team plan, prioritize, and evaluate work.
Gathering feature requests, scheduling releases, and coordinating sprints are all responsibilities of the Product Owner. You should be able to recognise user demands and collaborate with cross-functional teams to manage product releases to be successful in this role.
Finally, you’ll assist us in launching items that fulfill our company’s mission.
Company AddressÂ
Educational QualificationÂ
- Working as a Product Owner or in a similar job in product management is a plus.
- A bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related subject is required.
Skills required for the job
- It’s a benefit if you’re familiar with agile.
- Hands-on experience managing the product life cycle at all stages
- Technical background with knowledge of software development and web technologies
- Good communication skills and a sense of belonging
- Exceptional organizational skills
Job Responsibilities
- Feature requests should be incorporated into the product roadmap.
- Backlog grooming and prioritization
- Create user stories and set approval standards.
- Set sprint objectives.
- Construct acceptance tests.
- Releases and improvements should be planned.
- During sprints, keep track of work progress and address production issues.
- Examine end-user preferences and requests.
- Keep track of industry trends and refine our agile technique based on results and client input
Company Offerings
Salary- (…..)Â
Other Benefits- (….)Â